The spay date came. Little Fecks (another nickname by one of my besties, Alison) seemed to sail through like a champ. The vet said it was "text book" perfect. WHY DO THEY SAY THAT????? Seriously folks, anyone that has a clue how my life rolls knows that this story is going nowhere good...The statement by the vet would be known to people in the story writing business as "foreshadowing"
The first few days were fine. Her incision was looking good. Actually it was looking "textbook". She slept a lot the first few days (hey wouldn't you if someone yanked an adult-sized Babymaker out of you? Textbook or no, this is a big ordeal!). By day four she would have little bouts of whiny-ness. She was also hoarding all of the stuffed toys into a pile and guarding them from the other dogs like they were her babies. She would carry as many as she could fit in her mouth at one time around the house. I must admit, it was adorable, but I was also concerned by her atypical behavior.
While I have worked in a lot of vet clinics and had LOTS of dogs, many were boys (snip snip and off you go, little man!) or girls that were spayed as pups, so I was not sure what was going on with our girl. The next morning , we woke up and she was whining and frantic. I though "Oh my god!!! Shes in pain!!!" I had a work meeting, so Gary stayed home and took her do the vet. He wasn't sure what was going on. As with most dogs, they always look really sick until the guy in the white coat comes around...then they make you look like an idiot! Dr. B. looked at her incision area : Textbook. Temperature : Normal. Palpation of the abdomen: Normal. When he put her on the floor, she was hunching a bit, so he x-rayed her abdomen, just to be sure: Normal. Fecks went home with some antibiotics (just in case) and some pain pills (just in case)...but by that evening, what was going on with Fecks became very evident: the nesting, the toy-babies, the whining, aggression towards any dog that came near the toy-babies...Fecks was having a pretty mild pseudo-pregnancy (the only thing she wasn't doing was milking). Not to point any fingers, but I guess her dopey mom didn't properly estimate 6 weeks post her heat cycle to schedule the spay and the hormones made the little girl think she was having babies! Jeesh, sorry girl! My bad!
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